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Transmission-Torque Control for Gear Shifting with Engine Control

By using engine controlled gear shifting, a manual transmission can be automated without using the clutch during the shift event. The main contribution of this paper is a novel extension of the existing system using active handling of driveline resonances. The strategy is based on a model of the transmission torque, which is derived by using experimental data from a heavy truck. A key step is the design of a criterion for a controller that drives the transmission torque to zero with damped resonances and with a control signal realizable by the engine. The proposed solution offers a possibility to optimize the time needed for a gear shift, which is important since the vehicle is free rolling when in gear-shift condition. Furthermore, neutral gear can successfully be engaged also when facing initial driveline oscillations and load disturbances.

Magnus Pettersson, Lars Nielsen and Lars-Gunnar Hedström

SAE Transactions, Journal of Engines, 1998

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