Residual Generation for Fault Diagnosis of Systems Described by Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations
Linear residual generation for DAE systems is considered within a
polynomial framework where a complete characterization and
parameterization of all residual generators is presented. Further, a
condition for fault detectability in DAE systems is given. Based on
the characterization of all residual generators, a design strategy for
residual generators for DAE systems is presented. The design strategy
guarantees that the resulting residual generator is sensitive to all
the detectable faults and also that the residual generator is of
lowest possible order. In all results derived, no assumption about
observability or controllability is needed. In particular, special
care has been devoted to assure the lowest-order property also for
non-controllable systems.
Mattias Nyberg and Erik Frisk
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,

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Senast uppdaterad: 2021-11-10