A Minimal Polynomial Basis Solution to Residual Generation for Fault Diagnosis in Linear Systems
A fundamental part of a fault diagnosis system is the residual
generator. Here a new method, the \emph{minimal polynomial basis
approach}, for design of residual generators for linear systems, is
presented. The residual generation problem is transformed into a
problem of finding polynomial bases for null-spaces of polynomial
matrices. This is a standard problem in established linear systems
theory, which means that numerically efficient computational tools are
generally available. It is shown that the minimal polynomial basis
approach can find all possible residual generators, including those of
minimal McMillan degree, and the solution has a minimal
parameterization. It is shown that some other well known design
methods, do not have these properties.
Mattias Nyberg and Erik Frisk
IFAC World Congress,
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Senast uppdaterad: 2021-11-10