FDI with adaptive residual generation applied to a DC-servo
When parity equations are designed ad hoc., the low frequency gain of
the fault-to-residual transfer function can become low or even zero
which is highly undesirable. As a solution, a systematic design
procedure, utilizing the freedom available in residual generator
design, is proposed. The method is called \emph{residual shaping} and
guarantees reasonable performance. It is used together with RLS to
form an adaptive residual generator, which is important to handle e.g.
aging. The RLS algorithm also makes it possible to
differentiate between additive and multiplicative faults. The proposed
FDI system is evaluated on a DC-servo where the strengths of the
system is illustrated.
Erik Frisk, Mattias Nyberg and Lars Nielsen
IFAC Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes,
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Senast uppdaterad: 2021-11-10