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Matlab/Simulink model for a Turbocharged Diesel Engine with Wastegate and Throttle.

Download: Latest version of LiU Diesel 2 [zip](Ver 1.0 2018-09-25)


This package provides a Matlab implementation of the model for a heavy-duty diesel engine together with a complete parameter file. The intention of this implementation is to give researchers and engineers access to a validated model that can be used for simulation, development, and verification of new control systems, as well as optimization based control such as MPC and numerical optimal control.


The model is provided as free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (Lesser GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation. If you use this software in research or otherwise, please preserve information about and cite the publication that describes and documents the model. The publication describing the model is available at: SNE Vol 28(4).

If you use the engine model in your academic work, please cite the following publication:

@Article{LiUDiesel2, author={Kristoffer Ekberg and Viktor Leek and Lars Eriksson}, title="{M}odeling and {V}alidation of an {O}pen-{S}ource {M}ean {V}alue {H}eavy-{D}uty {D}iesel {E}ngine {M}odel", journal="Simulation Notes Europe (SNE)", year="2018", volume="28", number="4", pages="198--203", issn="2306-0271", doi="10.11128/sne.28.4.1044", }

Informationsansvarig: Lars Eriksson
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-11-27